We are still eagerly accepting donations!

Providing students and their teachers the best in science education. Science Lab (center) as of November 18, 2022

We are still eagerly accepting donations!  image


raised towards $45,000 goal




Providing students and their teachers the best in science education. Science Lab (center) as of November 18, 2022

You can help create the next scientist for Uganda!

Muko High School is in SW Uganda, East Africa and has approximately 400 boarding students in Senior 1 to Senior 6 (US = grade 8 to grade 13). The Ugandan government has prioritized progress in science and technology as it aspires to build a knowledge-based economy. To this end, schools are working hard to maintain the best teachers in science and technology but also improving the space and equipment to teach within.

Do you think Science is important? The ROSE Study, (the Relevance of Science Education) is a cooperative research project with wide international participation. The purpose is to gather and analyze information from the learners about several factors that have a bearing on their attitudes to S&T and their motivation to learn S&T. Here is how the students in Uganda responded out of 40 countries:

"Children in most countries agree strongly that Science and technology are important for society." - Uganda kids ranked as second highest score

"Science and technology make our lives healthier, easier and more comfortable" - Uganda kids tied for 3rd place

In total, out of all the questions asked, Uganda scored the highest in positive attitude toward learning science, math and technology. So, along with the emphasis by the Ugandan Ministry of Education, there is a strong yearning for better science education.

They know how important it is for not only their lives but for their country and the world. So, let's work together to help them realize their dream.

We are nearing completion of a new science lab building that will house chemistry, biology, physics and agriculture. We need financial support to complete the building, provide adequate solar power, furnish the building with lab benches and equipment.

Stand with us in contributing to the school to provide the teachers and students with a spectacular place to learn science. Your gift will change the lives and future for students who might otherwise be consigned to abject poverty.